Ferret Information Systems
The experts in social welfare advice and assessments
Introduction to means testing for Disabled Facilities Grants
Anyone needing adaptations to be made to a dwelling to facilitate occupancy by a disabled
person can apply to their local authority for financial assistance in carrying out the work.
Any grant made will depend on the cost of the work to be done, and of the financial
circumstances of the disabled person.
Course purpose
To enable participants who are new to the housing grants system to understand how applications
should be made, and how to make financial assessments to determine the amount of grant payable.
Course objectives
By the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Identify who is, or is not, eligible to apply for a grant
- Decide who should be treated as a relevant person
- Identify who comprises the relevant person's "family"
- Have a general overview of the state benefits system
- Have an understanding of how means-testing works
- Calculate applicable amounts using personal allowances and premiums
- Be aware which benefits function as “passporting” benefits
- Understand what comprises income & capital, and what is taken into account
- Calculate contribution to cost of works
Course structure
- On screen presentations
- Demonstration examples
- Participant case studies
- Open discussion
Who this course is for
Anyone new to housing grants who needs a basic introduction to the system. Persons with
limited experience who need to know the "reasons why".
Who this course is NOT for:
Experienced grants officers who need their knowledge refreshed or updated.
We strongly recommend a period of consolidation between taking the Introductory and
Course Feedback
Tutor – Clive Martin
Fantastic trainer. Informative and very knowledgeable – A1 Housing
Very knowledgeable and interested in the subject area – Selby DC
Entertaining & Informative – South Tyneside Council
Brilliant tutor, clear, concise and fun too. – Eastbourne BC
Clive was very informative and engaging – Colchester BC
Excellent style of teaching – Warwick DC
Introduction to Means Testing for Disabled Facilites Grants course
Very informative and excellent manual – Bexley Council
Very enjoyable course on a potentially tedious subject – Wellingborough BC
Best training I have attended in a very long time! - In Touch (Family Mosaic)
4 Coopers Yard, Curran Road, Cardiff, CF10 5NB - Wales, UK
Office: 029 2064 3333 Customer Support: 029 2064 4444